Our Story

Ten years ago we began our gardening journey with a small space in the backyard of our home on Long Island. We quickly fell in love with the ability to walk outside and grocery shop from our garden. In 2018 we sold our home and upgraded to a much larger property. We sectioned off a large portion and began growing our garden again, this time with much more produce than we knew what to do with. With that, we began to learn how to process our food through dehydrating, pressure canning, pickling, fermenting, etc. This allowed us to preserve our harvest and add to our homestead preparations.

We then decided to investigate how we could grow indoors because winter in N.Y. makes it impossible for outdoor farming unless you have a greenhouse. Upon that research we started to learn about microgreens and how to grow them indoors under grow lights. Coincidently, while researching the best nutritional diets for some health concerns, microgreens were at the top of the list because of their high nutritional value. This prompted us to jump in with both feet and start growing our first harvest in a spare space in our home.

We couldn’t believe how tasty these little green plants were and how they tasted so similar to their fully grown counterparts! The broccoli tastes like broccoli, the red cabbage tastes like red cabbage! At this point we wanted to start getting our friends and family involved in adding microgreens to their diets. Then we decided to think bigger and wanted to figure out a way to get our community involved with the benefits of microgreens. We began going to local farmers markets and we knew this was the direction we wanted to go. We wholeheartedly believe in getting back to a community-based marketplace because we would rather spend our hard-earned money in our own local community instead of big box stores. We also wanted to ensure that what we were eating was organic, non-gmo and sustainable. So, from there, our dream of TVA Microgreens was born! We are growing day by day and adding to our urban farm very quickly! We have big plans for the future - such as delivering premade salads, recipes, holistic medicine, pickles, spices, dehydrated microgreen powder, and on and on! Follow us on our journey by subscribing to our newsletter and our social media pages.